
“Had a blast and it was a privilege and a pleasure to serve with such awesome people for our community. God is so good!” Michelle Miller

“Serving with the Council opened my eyes to the very real needs of our neighbors, but also gave me assurance that we can make a difference if we continue to work together.” Britton Jobe

“This is a great place to practice what you preach.” Fred Palmerton

“Foster care can be lonely for everyone involved. It is so encouraging to know that there are people out there who are willing to spend money on children they will never meet out of the kindness of their hearts. It was such a blessing, especially this year when it’s been so full of ups and downs.” Foster Parent

“When our community here in the Springfield area does well, then and only then, can we all do well and prosper. So, helping to lift up others in our community is not only rewarding and the right thing to do, but it’s also our duty to our faith. It’s truly inspiring to see so many of our most vulnerable neighbors being served by the Council of Churches of the Ozarks. Serving as a board member helps me give back in so many ways, to so many people.” Andrew Tasset

“Serving with the Council of Churches allows me an outlet to not only see the need in our community but also to help shine a light on that need. Our faith-based institutions are doing wonderful work in the community. The Council is a trusted convener and mobilizer. I’m proud to be a part of an organization that takes action where action is needed.” Cora Scott

Updated on March 5, 2021