Logo Explained

The Ichthus, also known as the fish symbol, and the cross are both significant symbols in Christian symbolism. 

1. Ichthus (Fish Symbol): 

  • The Ichthus is an ancient Christian symbol that consists of two intersecting arcs, resembling a fish. The word “Ichthus” is the Greek word for fish. 
  • During the early years of Christianity, when the faith was persecuted, believers used the Ichthus as a secret symbol to identify themselves to each other. It served as a clandestine way of communicating one’s Christian identity without openly declaring it. 
  • The fish symbol also has ties to biblical narratives. In the Gospels, there are instances where Jesus miraculously multiplies loaves and fish to feed large crowds, and he calls his disciples “fishers of men.” The Ichthus, therefore, became a symbol of abundance, nourishment, and discipleship. 

In the CCO logo, the Ichthus is facing heavenward to symbolize our reliance upon God.  

2. Cross: 

  • The cross is perhaps the most widely recognized symbol of Christianity and represents the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. 
  • It symbolizes sacrifice, redemption, and the central tenet of the Christian faith—the death and resurrection of Jesus for the forgiveness of sins and the promise of eternal life. 
  • The vertical beam of the cross is often associated with the divine and the horizontal beam with the earthly, signifying the intersection of the spiritual and the material realms in Christ. 
  • The cross serves as a powerful reminder of Jesus’ ultimate act of love and the foundational belief in the Christian faith. 
  • At CCO, our first program was named “Crosslines” to reflect the intersection of compassion and action at the foot of the cross. 

Together, the Ichthus and the cross are emblematic of the core beliefs of Christianity—faith, salvation, and the transformative power of Christ’s sacrifice. Believers may use these symbols as expressions of their faith and as a way to identify with the rich spiritual heritage of Christianity. 

3. Color  

Updated on December 27, 2023