Social Media Policy

Definition of Terms

Representative – Anyone associated with the Council of Churches of the Ozarks who creates online materials, comments, shares, or likes online materials that reference CCO or one of its outreach programs.  All who identify themselves or represent CCO in public and online are considered representatives.

Official Social Media Spokesperson – The official social media spokesperson for the Council of Churches of the Ozarks is the Director of Communication and team assigned to them.  All negative or questionable posts/comments should be handled directly by this person and their team.

Social Media Account Representative –  A social media account representative should be assigned for each outreach’s page.  This representative can create posts under the direction of the Official spokesperson, respond to positive comments, and is asked to answer program specific questions. There may be more than one assigned account representative as long as it is clear who is responsible for responding to online questions and positive comments.

Social Media Policy

The Online Social Media Policy is intended to protect you, as well as, the Council of Churches of the Ozarks (CCO), its guests, and its services it should guide your participation in this area, both when you are participating personally and when you are acting on behalf of CCO. The guidelines for operating in the digital world are centered on the same values, ethics, and confidentiality as in the non-digital world. They apply whether you are posting, meeting with a donor, or serving a guest.

You are encouraged to share CCO’s stories and your passion for helping your neighbors.  However, please remember the internet is forever and no content can ever be fully deleted or removed. If you engage in social media, you are expected to protect the Council of Churches’ brand and respect the privacy and dignity of the individuals we serve.

The best practice is to approach online worlds in the same way we do the physical one – by using sound judgment and common sense and by adhering to the Council of Churches of the Ozarks’ policies.

Honor Privacy and Dignity 

For Individuals – Council of Churches of the Ozarks will empower guests by protecting their privacy and dignity. When guests sign a media release to use their image, this gives CCO the permission to use their name and image.  This DOES NOT give interns, volunteers, partners, or other CCO employees the permission to post images of guests on their personal pages. The guest’s image and name should only be posted on the corporate and program’s page and only with the permission of the guest. Others may share a post that has been posted by CCO or the Outreach Service but cannot initiate the post personally.

Groups or Events – When possible, a written media release should be obtained from every individual, if this is not possible, it should be clearly posted, “CCO reserves the right to use any photograph/video taken at any event sponsored by CCO, without the expressed written permission of those included within the photograph/video.” Out of respect to guests and volunteers who wish to opt-out, CCO will supply a button or sticker for guests to wear so the photographer can clearly identify who doesn’t wish to be included in images. Furthermore, to ensure the privacy of individuals and children, images will not be identified using full names or personal identifying information without written approval from the photographed subject, parent or legal guardian.

Minors – Minors should never be photographed without asking for the signed parent or guardian’s permission. Photos of minors in a group or event settings (where permission is implied but not written) should be taken from afar and no single child should be recognizable.  Even in event settings, it is necessary to obtain signed permission from the child’s guardian.

Be Ethical

Transparency and Honesty – Be transparent and honest with respect to privacy at all times in social media, in print, and in person. Make it clear personal views expressed are your own. Fully disclose your association with CCO, recognizing it as part of your personal life. 

Respect ALL people.Never post dishonorable or hurtful content, such as racial, ethnic, sexual, or physical ability slurs. Be sensitive to other religious beliefs. Never disclose sensitive or confidential information regarding CCO. 

Honor Intellectual Property Rights – Always give credit where credit is due. Honor copyrights, trademarks, rights of publicity, music, and other third-party rights. 

Be Responsible

Technology – Be responsible in your use of technology. Do not share or align CCO with political or other ideology contradictory to our values and principles. Do not employ organizations or websites that use excessive tracking software, adware, malware, or spyware. Anything posted reflects on ALL CCO ministries and member churches; this responsibility shouldn’t be taken lightly.

Social Media at Work – Only engage in social media activities at work for legitimate work-related purposes. CCO encourages everyone to exercise sound judgment and common sense to prevent social media from becoming a distraction at work.

Be in Compliance – Always comply with applicable regulations of each social media platform and stay informed of trends and terminology used in social media.

Be a Team

Inspire Hope – Online posts or responses should convey the same positive, hopeful spirit CCO uses in all of its communications. They should be inclusive and sensitive to others. Always keep in mind how your posts could be interpreted by others. The Official Social Media Spokesperson should be an admin of any online account created in the name of the Council of Churches or one of its programs. 

Compliments and Criticism – Be on the lookout for compliments and criticism. Everyone is responsible for monitoring CCO’s online and social media presence. Share positive and negative online remarks about CCO and its programs with the social media spokesperson. Unless you are an official spokesperson, avoid the temptation to react to negative feedback or comments.  Pass the negative post(s) along to an official spokesperson for response.

Global Presence – Your personal and professional personas are likely to intersect online. Keep in mind that information intended for friends and family can be forwarded on and can have unintended consequences. It is important that all representatives recognize CCO could be held responsible for a representative’s behavior in online conversations that reference or implicate CCO or one of its programs.

If you have any questions about these principles, this policy, or social media in general, please email the official social media spokesperson at [email protected].

Updated on March 8, 2021